Date of creation: The Millennium Ecologic Museum (MEM) is an exciting and relevant project created in the year 2006 by a research team headed by Professor Bernard-Aloys Nkongmeneck;
The context: The biodiversity of Cameroon and Congo Basin is declining; the reasons are:
- The unsustainable uses of these valuable natural resources (logging, slash & burn agriculture, poaching, charcoal and fuelwood, et.)
- The climate changes
The goals: The goals of the project are to:
- To sensitize children, students at every level, civil servants, politics, local peoples about the importance of biodiversity
- To teach children and students, to train young researchers on the way and technics of biodiversity conservation
- To build lobbying programme to convince politics, civil servants and decision makers to finance biodiversity conservation
- To inspire Africans and create awareness on climate changes
Finally to create a synergy with all these groups of people, synergy which to save the biodiversity of Cameroon and Congo Basin.
The collections: The MEM has rich collections of plant, animal and mineral specimens collected from Cameroon and some neighboring country ecosystems