“Assessing local food systems, and household dietary intake among central African hunter-gatherer communities”
For more informations see this file
During the period 2022–2025, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the International Center for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) are implementing a support program for applied research in ecology and social sciences (RESSAC). Its goal is to strengthen the impact of this research on the sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa. RESSAC provides funding for applied research as proposed by consortia of partners based on an academic and scientific framework.
For more informations see this file
State of the art of Non-Timber Forest Products Processing in Central African Countries and Prospects for Sustainable Value Chains Development
For more informations see this file
During the period 2022–2025, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the International Center for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) are implementing a support program for applied research in ecology and social sciences (RESSAC). Its goal is to strengthen the impact of this research on the sustainable management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa. RESSAC provides funding for applied research as proposed by consortia of partners based on an academic and scientific framework.

Tribute to Prof Aloys-Bernard Nkongmeneck who passed away on March 24, 2017 in Bologna (Italy)
"I've spent my life fighting climate change by promoting and preserving the biodiversity of Cameroon and Congo Basin for future generations." (Prof Bernard-Aloys Nkongmeneck)
Please leave your tributes/condolences here. Thank you.
Hommage au Prof Bernard-Aloys Nkongmeneck qui a été rappellé au Seigneur le 24 mars 2017 à Bologne (Italie)
"Toute ma vie aura été consacrée à la conservation de la biodiversité du Cameroun et du bassin du Congo pour empêcher les changements climatiques et préserver les générations futures." (Prof Bernard-Aloys Nkongmeneck)
Prière de laisser vos témoignages/condoléances sur cette page. Merci
Ministerial Decision n° oo2/MINAC/SG/DAJ/CER of 05 january 2017 granting authorization to open the Millennium Ecological Museum Ethnographic Museum under the name "Museum of Natural History".
The MEM is building picture collections of wildlife and natural ecosystems of Cameroon and Congo Basin to be share with partners.